I passed a milestone last week. I have to say I am a little put out by this whole “getting older” thing. I don’t feel any older. I feel like I am just getting started! Not that I haven’t lived yet….but there is so much living yet to do. And I am enjoying every bit I can.
We went on the most beautiful hike on the 4th. Took the dog, and a picnic. Tim and I and the girls drove up to Horsetail Falls in the Sierras and it was just a gorgeous day.

Cooper couldn’t have been happier. Squirrels, leftover cheese from the lunch pack, sticks to chase, and cold clear H2O from the Sierras. What could be better?

Later we had a block party with the neighbors…pot luck….and I have foodie’s for neighbors, so the spread was amazing! A very nostalgic, old fashioned Fourth of July. We even stood in a circle at one point right before the fireworks “finale” in the street, and everyone sang the National Anthem. I was quite impressed really. We all remembered the words, and most were able to hit the high notes.
Then Monday came around. I woke up feeling the same as I usually do….a little groggy, but looking forward to the day. Then I remembered. It was THAT birthday! I tried to just put it out of my mind. I had a pretty normal day. I worked. But when I checked emails, I was really touched to receive so many well wishes from my blogger and facebook friends. I have to say it really brightened my day! Thank you all so much!
When I say I worked…I was actually told to stay in my basement studio until my family gave the word that I could come up. They were preparing something special!
My husband prepared one of my all time favorite meals: BBQ-d steak (medium), fresh salad with roasted pine nuts and avocado, and corn on the cob. Then my girls presented me with this! Orange chiffon cupcakes with orange butter cream frosting (all home made from scratch!). They even made marzipan labels with chocolate letters that spelled out “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM”.

They were sooooo good! Someone was waiting very patiently for a piece:

After dinner and cake, it was on to the presents!
And what is it about Mothers? My Mother always seems to find the perfect thing. She wrapped individual little packages (one for each year….you’re counting aren’t you!) and fit them into a vintage cloche on top of an antique footed ironstone platter, both so gorgeous, I was speechless. It was so much fun to open every little package, funny little things: a bandana, a carved wooden stamp, a hair comb, a beaded necklace….and on.
Some birthdays seem to have a sort of “theme” to them, don't they? This was a birthday of flowers. I seemed to receive them all week long. The first bouquet was from my workmate, Lise. She picked the most beautiful roses from her garden. They smelled heavenly!

The next day I got a knock on the door, and these were on the other side! My old college roommate who shares my birthday sent this stunning bouquet. There is a rose for every year…..your counting again right now aren’t you?

The week kept rolling along. My husband and I were going out for dinner Friday, just the two of us….but when we got there, they had given away our table………or did they?!?! When the hostess said she would find something for us, she opened a curtain, and, …..yes…..SURPRISE!!!! Twenty of my girlfriends were there to celebrate my birthday with me. My husband had been planning for months. I am very lucky, I know. These were waiting for me in front of my seat at the table:
It was a wonderful birthday WEEK! I got to see friends that came in from out of town, and friends that I have known since my kids were little. This getting older thing turned out to be not so bad. It was a reminder of how many people I have met and who have become friends I care about.

I received so many thoughtful and beautiful gifts, and very kind words. And I will keep them all in my memory. Thank you all! But, one of the things I will treasure above all (along with my husband’s careful planning), is this simple white envelope with cut out letters made by my daughter’s hands.
The Future’s so bright…you gotta wear shades!