Sunday, January 31, 2010
what's wrong with Bilbao
Friday, January 29, 2010
Have a Delicious Weekend!
My daughter...... the Pastry Chef. Just another reason in a long string as to why I will be devastated when she leaves for college!
My little Ina Garten protege used Ina's recipe for Chocolate Cake and added the German Chocolate Cake Coconut, Pecan topping from another recipe....I think she said from Rachael Ray. However she did was delicious and devoured.
Sweet weekends to you all!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Highland Living
Main Staircase laid with carpet in the Campbell of Cawdor Plaid. Firearms taken from defeated French invasion forces from 1797.
Are you one of those people (like me) who collects all of the Oscar winning movies from every year? If so, then you have Braveheart in your collection. And so it might follow that you have a little place in your heart for the Scottish moors, castle strongholds, and tartan plaids.
Scotland has a rich history full of legends and romance from the drama of MacBeth to Nessie to the enchanting castle keeps. I recently received a copy of the upcoming book Highland Living from Flammarion due out mid-February. The authors, Stephane Bern and Franck Ferrand, splendidly capture the heart of Scotland with their tales of the early clan chiefs on through to the most recent inhabitants of Cawdor Castle. It reads like an historic novel with all of the color and depth of an epic family chronicle.
Cawdor Castle
The stories and photos focus on the Scottish National treasure, Cawdor Castle and the lands surrounding. We get a insider's view of lifestyle and decor inside the castle walls and the other dwelling on the vast properties.
I am showing just a few of the photos that particularly caught my eye.
The Main Drawing Room of Cawdor
The Drawing room shows off the architectural volume common to 17th century architecture. But even in it's grand scale, there is a sense of comfort, even coziness here, I think.
Portrait Gallery
Pryse Campbell, the 17th Thane of Cawdor
Dining Room Mantle
Doorway leading to the Dining Room
Hallway at Cawdor
The keep at Cawdor was built between 1370 and 1380, maintained and owned by descendants of MacBeth himself. The castle has been open to visitors since 1976, but had been losing money until Angelika transformed it to what you see today. Now it is regarded as a fine cultural and heritage enterprise. As old as it is, it is no wonder there are legends of ghosts and spirits, all of which are written about in Highland Living. Wouldn't it be wonderful to sit in the castle restaurant and feel the presence of a Thane of days past sitting next to you?
The history of how the castle grew to it's present size and appearance is captured beautifully in this book, as well as the creation of the gardens and additions of surrounding properties which encompass 18,000 acres of forests. These forests are known as "the Big Wood" and look today almost "exactly as it did after the end of the last ice age", because of the guardianship of the family of Cawdor.
The tree house in The Big Wood
But the estate does not end there. The Cawdor estate covers 58,000 acres, over 90 square miles. A hunting lodge or two would of course be necessary.
Hunting Lodge Dining Room at Drynachan
I loved this photo of the Dining Room in the Hunting Lodge at Drynachan. Apparently guests at the lodge in the 19th century entertained themselves by decorating the walls, and it has stayed like this since. So very modern looking isn't it? The white walls with the river of local scenery washing across it is wonderful!
Sitting Room at the Hunting Lodge
This Hunting Lodge can be rented for Family vacations. Located in the heart of the Highlands, I am just dreaming of making that visit.
Desk at the Hunting Lodge
It would be the perfect place to tromp through the moors and discover ancient cottages.
Cottage roofed with Heather at Culloden
The moors at Drynachan
Highland Living is full of stories about Cawdor and the estate, but it also contains other fine jewels of information. At the end of the book, there is information about visiting Cawdor Castle as well as many other places of interest. There is a listing of the Best Hotels, Restaurants, and Bed and Breakfasts. There is also information on Shopping, Fishing, Golf, Riding and Shooting.
And I cannot forget the whole section on recipes served at the Castle, like Pheasant Curry, Cranachen, and Roast Rhubarb and Apple Crumble with Creme Anglaise. Top it off with Cawdor Elderflower Cordial.
Haggis, the traditional dish of the Highlands
So I hope you are curious and inclined to look into Highland Living. It is the perfect companion for taking tea by the fire and letting your imagination take flight.
Tea in the small Dining Room. Family Crest on the table linen.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I need to submit a writing sample for an application. Looking through my old art history files, recalling issues and objects in which I immersed myself at some point or another, there are very few examples of my written work that make me undoubtedly proud. Even with the A-papers, the Reread always pronounces flaws and leaves me disappointed with myself.
What am I doing here if I'm not building a body of work for which I have respect?
This just demonstrates... constant editing is necessary. So is a bit of chocolate, right now.
Never mind. I bought chocolate and slept from 7:30pm to 6am. Totally dandy now.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
From my roommate

Laugh as you will - I think it's brilliant! The range of motion from a normal sleeping bag is too limiting - I'm a kicker. This maintains the cocoon affect within the head/torso. LOVE IT
Via Gizmodo
Second day of classes. Never wearing raw silk again. Still combating jetlag: side of thermos bedecked with the strings and tags of five tea bags. Wish I had a two-legged sleeping bag for the library :)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Liking These... Spool No. 72
The Sage Burrow Rucksack
Spool No. 72 Clothing Company sent me an email with some new things. Always having design on my mind, I tend to link fashion and rooms in my mind, well, almost always. I imagine the sort of person that has an interesting piece of clothing and what their house might look like. So, here is a glimpse of how the wheels spin in my head.
Thanks Spool No. 72 for the inspiration!
Tyee Mountain Tote
Law Blouse
Hoquiam Dress
This is a minor sampling of the brilliant collection that is Spool No. 72. They carry coats and sweaters, jewelry, bags and totes, blouses and dresses.
They also have a fun blog HERE.
So I am just passing along the goodness.
(All photos of interiors via House Beautiful Online Photo Gallery)
And the winner is...
Thanks to Perricone MD and those who participated in this first giveaway!
And thank goodness for because I don't remember how to assign and randomize on a graphing calculator :)
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Could find neither broom nor functioning vacuum, so I wiped our dusty hardwood floor on hands and knees using old wifebeaters (how appropriate) and thought about this:
"With my eyes closed, I could hear hundreds of elves sweeping out my head with their tiny brooms. They kept sweeping and sweeping. It never occurred to any of them to use a dustpan."
- A Wild Sheep Chase, Haruki Murakami
Because no dustpan either.
Best plane ride ever because of that book.
Speaking of sheep, don't you want this mold.

First day of classes tomorrow - excited, but soon it'll be ewe :)
Friday, January 22, 2010
Love a Good Sale?!
Andreas Cellarius. $49.99 down from $ $100.o1
The Temple of Flora. $69.99, down from $ $80.01
Meier. $69.99 down from $ $80.01
Shop America, $14.99 down from $ $45
The End of the Game. $19.99 down from $ $20
It is a grey and rainy day where I am. A little online shopping couldn't hurt.
Have a great weekend!
After a month in China...
I can't stop converting everything into renminbi. Balls - even Forever21 feels too expensive. The only thing that's cheaper is coffee and I'm so glad for it.
The corner has been revived by two redecorated cafes/restaurants.
The 5 Fulton still smells the same.
Someone has graffitied the ugliest gash of black, white and orange on the entablature of the Hibernia Bank.
There's a new mural on Market and 6th.
The ornaments I wanted to make into necklaces have gone on sale for $2, so I bought two and tried to memorize the ones that I can make.
I really am starting to like pink. Proof by this recent purchase.
Comment on the original post by then to enter.
Speaking of skin, we went to a bathhouse in Shanghai and got exfoliated to death - uhng, have never felt so fresh and so clean!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Remember This Table?
Brooke Giannetti had the giveaway of the year on her beautiful blog Velvet and Linen back in November. You may remember that I had entered with my office space in hopes of winning one of the three tables in the giveaway. Alas, I did not win....but the winners did a great job with the tables in their own spaces. It was very fun to see the results! (In case you missed it, click HERE.)
But the blogosphere is a wonderful place. When one computer window closes, another opens. Because of the blog post I did about the giveaway, I was happily reintroduced to an old friend I had lost touch with. Mike Whisten, a talented custom furniture maker and "imagineer", contacted me and we discussed a potential collaboration to make a table for my office. Mike was so inspired by the post, he began a project of his own. Mike recreated his own version of the metal frame table but instead of reclaimed lumber, he used reclaimed sales signs from a Loft project in Sacramento.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sweet Dreamers: UXUS
Guestroom in Amsterdam Loft located in an historic 18th century warehouse.
Ever since I walked into Ella, a wonderful restaurant in Sacramento designed by international design team UXUS, I knew I would be looking for more from the designers and fining out what drives their creative talents. (I posted about Ella HERE and HERE.)
UXUS, with offices in Amsterdam and Napa, California, waves their creative wand all over the world "fusing art and design" in moody magical ways.
Busy as they are, I was lucky to catch up with them and ask a few questions of creative directors, George Gottl and Oliver Michell:
How did UXUS come about? Can you tell us about your company and it’s history?
We started the company in the back of the loft nearly 7 years ago. We have 17 employees now.
The UXUS design aesthetic is truly unique and quite poetic. Can you tell us how it evolved?
We have always been inspired by primary sources of information, Art is one of our key sources.
Where and how do you begin the process of conceptualizing your designs for your clients?
We always start by interviewing the client and discovering exactly what they are looking to create.Often, we discover things that they didn’t even know they wanted.
Amsterdam Loft Hallway
What/who inspires you in your work?
Art and artists from all over.We especially like artists who work in 3-D There are two design directors at UXUS.
Can you tell us how you work together? Do you collaborate on the same projects, or do you divide and conquer?
We are very complementary, and work seamlessly as a team, often picking up where the other one left off.
How would you describe each of your own personal styles?
Oliver is more classic, and I tend towards fashion.
Bedroom in Amsterdam Loft overlooking the canals and city.
Describe your “perfect client”.
One that has complete integrity in what they would like to create and allow us to execute accordingly.
What are you working on now?
Some very special and big projects that we cannot discuss...
What is happening next?
Offices in Asia and US.
Living Space in Amsterdam Loft
UXUS has their fingers in retail, hospitality, and interior architecture, as well as branding and packaging. They also have a forward looking blog HERE.
For a look and more of their exquisite work, please visit their website HERE. You will slowly get an inkling of how these minds work when you see images of floating bathtubs and dressers, lamps made from dresses, and Narnia-like wardrobes in retail spaces, shutters on the ceiling in restaurants and chess piece-like tables in wineries, to say nothing of the richness in their residential spaces. When I look at the homes they have designed, ( especially La Finca, the Mallorcan retreat), I just have to sit back, relax and say "Ahhhhh.....".
Sweet Dreamers indeed.
Sunday, January 17, 2010

By François Lalanne in the Paris apartment living room of Jacques Grange, c 1982. French Style. Suzanne Slesin & Stafford Cliff. Jacques Dirand photography
Ridiculous and a half!
It'd be really nice if somebody made donkey-themed furniture so that I could call it redonkulous.
Reminds me of the Bird Feet Candlesticks I blogged about so long ago.

I forgot to bring any English books with me. I picked up One Hundred Years of Solitude after my brother finished it. I finished it in a fury during our internet-less trip to Guilin. So many characters of the same names: Arcadios and Jose Arcadios and Aurelianos and Aureliano Joses...Amarantas and Remedios. I'd never enjoyed confusion more than while reading this. Dying of love, ghosts, levitating to heaven while hanging up the laundry, bastard children, gypses, SIESTAS...almost the same sort of magical realism as That Other Guy whom I know my peeps love.
Back to sweet sweet SF for a day and a half (and then school for ever)!!

Really like the triptych hung on ribbons:

Where can I even find a bed corona?

Ahh...makes we wish I bought the single panel of emerald green curtain at Jeremy's this summer.
Photos: Stephen Stubel for House Beautiful, 1998; Henri del Olmo for Maison Cote Sud December 2003; Bella Notte Linens