O'Hare! Fucking Chicago! This is a fucking airport. Babies crying and large spaces filled with distressed chairs and tired people. This is an airport! I really like Chicago. Maybe I will apply here for law school so that the University of Chicago can do the honor or rejecting me.
Every time I see a middle-aged bald guy, I think it's Tom Colicchio.
man limp black suitcase. woman lip. white bag.
woman hands to head to ears, exasperated.
pilot w macdonalds. how unusual to serve sausage macmuffin at 7:46 pm. guess we both like breakfast foods!
black polo. left hand in pocket, right free and swinging.
apple pie walking alone hand to nose to throat.
coat over shoulder. messenger back on same shoulder, swing.
duty-free perfume!
white socks. nylon pants. haven't worn those since middle school!
an architect. looks like weiss from alias.
woman who looks like frau cho. aw frau cho. v cute. w old man w newsboy cap. i like you!!
a couple. old man and young woman. ew. (green card relationship)
old gansta chinese guy w military beret. dang!
grown woman w powder pink one shoulder backpack. shameful. you're not a grown woman!
ah. old couple sitting next to me now nuhh personal space!
guy in light blue shirt black jeans bit unshaven curly hair and tall. a bit tummy, but that's v much okay. manual camera. !!Ah
v g-looking family sitting across from me eating personal pizzas. sausage and tomato, chicken and mushroom, sausage and mushroom. yeahh!! all hobbits LOVE mushrooms. am down w this family. mother is blonde fitted jeans w minimal jewelry and burgundy cord blazer. father is relaxed, with intelligent eyes and feathered hair. glasses. son is in high school looks like. will be g-looking soon. maybe even right now. black ribbed crewneck sweater. must be a senior - the daddio is talking about colleges and apps. they're sf. aw he's taking ap comp gov't
oh god i just breathed deeply and cracked my back.
are all these people chicago or sf or where?
old businessman w silver hair and silver frames and v clean, well-fitting suit. looks like a machiavelli fox. i've seen him before! sf, two summers ago in the morning, walking in the financial district in sf. bet he's a brokeassbrotha now.
the family is talking about the economy. boy is faced toward father, discussing and equal. mother is perched and lisening. you should face your other, boy. he's also taking ap econ. demeaning the way he talks to his mother about bonds.
To finalize reasons for applying to U of Chicago, my phone gets great reception here.
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