Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Day Round-up

Valentine's Day Cake for Two. Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse, layered with Tahitian Vanilla Bean Bavarian Cream, Flourless Chocolate Mousse Meringue Cake, and Raspberry Chambord Caramel. Must be ordered 48 hours in advance. $28

What are the necessities for Valentine's day? Well....the list has grown over the years. But everyone has to agree that CHOCOLATE is high on the list. We are very lucky in Sacramento to have cultivated a premier chocolatier by the name of Ginger Elizabeth. She is a hugely talented young woman especially in the ways of chocolate. This Valentine's Day, Ginger Elizabeth is offering two very special treats if you live in the Sacramento area.

Handmade edible Bittersweet Chocolate Box with edible White Chocolate Rasberry Bow, filled with Chocolate Pearls and 8 Artisan Chocolates. Limited....order in advance. $50

To read more about Ginger Elizabeth and place orders for shipment online click here.

Chocolate is a must....and so is a card, don't you agree? These flocked vintage Victorian style cards from Carmel Bay Company are so pretty and romantic:

Over two dozen assorted vintage style flocked Valentines and envelopes punch out, assemble, And send to the ones you love. $4.99

Hearts for Valentine's Day? Of Course!:

African soapstone hand painted and polished to a smooth touch. The perfect gift for someone you love. Use as a paperweight or create a colorful collection. Background colors: black, red, pink, yellows etc. Small $6.75, Large $15.50. Carmel Bay Company.

Let's see......Flowers are always important, but never more so than when sending to a Valentine. Some of my favorite bouquets can be ordered from Jayson Home and Garden. I thought this Anemone bouquet was particularly wonderful, and the onyx box is a keeper!:

Fuschia Anemone's in an Onyx Box. $135. Jayson Home and Garden.

Hmmmm, what's next......JEWELRY! How could I forget. I can always count on Sundance for having jewelry I will love. Here a re a couple of rings I particularly LOVE. And that is what Valentine's Day is all about, right? LOVE:

Red Jade Ring. $48. Sundance.

Rose Petal Ring. $220. Sundance.

Well....those are the essentials. But it never hurts to show your love by showering your Valentine with gifts. I heart all of these sweet gifts:

Proust Questionnaire - Pink. $34.95. Read more about it here. Jayson Home and Garden.

Surprise Ball. $10. Unwind to discover keepsakes, fortunes, and prizes. Sea and Jae

I loved these when I was little and have only been able to find them again through Sea and Jae. Sea and Jae also have a wonderful blog all about giving gifts that are unique and creative. Check it out here.

I was recently introduced to a fabulous pillow company called Fabricadabra, and this pillow says it all:

Felted Wool Appliqued Pillow. 20"x20". $65. from Fabricadabra

The most important thing to give for Valentine's Day is, of course, LOVE. So be generous and spread it around. The world needs it right about now.

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