Friday, March 13, 2009

A Victim of Breaking & Entering -- Take anything just Not my Lenovo IdeaPad OR High Jump Spikes

So, I've been wondering what I have done to upset the balance of the world, making me a target for revenge. No seriously, my start to the 2009 has been a challenging one -- death of a friend, an injury, a lump named Ralph...etc.... And just two nights ago, my car was broken into and $5000 worth of goods were stolen. I think I might have reached my limit after the car incidence.

Two days ago, my friend Megan Metcalfe was passing through Toronto, and had to stay the night. She's from Edmonton, Alberta and trains in Virgina, but had never been out & about the sites in Toronto. I mean you just can't come to Toronto and not SEE Toronto - so, I offered to be her personal Tour Guide and take her around.

It was great, totally unplanned and spur of the moment kind of thing. Our tour began with the CN Tower (the 2nd tallest free standing building in the world and a definite tourist attraction). We ended up even eating dinner at the 360* Restaurant, which is at the top of CN Tower and revolves around the city.
We completed the Toronto Tour musts -- standing on the glass floor at the top of the CN Tower, going outside the top of the tower and taking funny pictures in the gift shop -- we decided to call it a night. Indeed, it was a good night! ... Until we returned to my car.

As we walked towards my car I noticed some glass and a dark film on the ground. In a state of shock I slowly looked up to my car thinking "No, not my car! No, not my car!" and saw that indeed it was MY car! AHHHHHHH!!!! I was sick to my stomach! Not only had my car window been broken, the thief made off with my knapsack, which had my red LENOVO IdeaPad U1110, my Flip Video and dissertation work in it! AND my training bag.... Like REALLY do they really need my workout plan and high jump spike!

I couldn't help feeling dirty and violated. It's really an unpleasant feeling... I drove home with regrets, should ofs and could ofs, and realized that I should be glad my friend and I are not hurt and they didn't steal my car. I guess shit really happens... (sorry for the profanity, but it seems the most appropriate word at this time.)

And while my bag wasn't in clear view, it wasn't hidden either, so it's taught me a lesson in that regard. According to the security guard, people will even brake into cars over spare change.

Suffice, to say my friend saw both extremes of a big city -- the Good and the Bad. For me it was a braking point, because, it just seems another random misfortune, I've had within a span of 2 months. I desperately need to be that sun the dog shines on! The way I figure, if I get through all the hard, and challenging stuff now, the rest of my year just has to be BETTER! Whoops, scratch that -- Phenomenal!

Glass half full,

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