Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Single In The City - 8 Great Places to Meet Someone New

So you’re Single in the city…. Well not much longer… All you need is confidence, openness, and a willingness to converse while trying new things.

Today’s blog was written with a bit of humour.  While, my suggested sites are valid, I did have some fun with my reasoning. 

Last week I wrote about getting over an Ex.  If you took my non-professional advice you may find yourself at Step 5, where you are meeting new people.  Meeting someone new is actually a lot easier than it may seem.  The world is literally a well-spring of many possibilities to be discovered.  However, you have to believe YOU (the product) are incredible.  You cannot carry any hint of desperation or your attempts will be futile.  You just need to be open to the possibility of meeting new people, without any expectations.  Learn how to make small talk.  This is essential!  And always take care of your appearance.  You never know when someone may be giving you a second glance.


Church – Possibly the best place to meet someone, especially if you engage in community events, outside of church service. 
Church – Possibly the best place to meet someone, especially if you engage in community events, outside of church service. 

Gym – This is literally a meat market.  It is the day version to the bar scene, especially if you go after work hours.  Don’t be afraid to check out the free weight areas… especially the bench press station…  That seems to be where most men will eventually make their way to.
Gym – This is literally a meat market.  I can attest to being in the change room and seeing women primping themselves as they are about to begin working out.  The gym is the day version to the bar scene, especially if you go after work hours.  Don’t be afraid to use mainly machine exercise equipment.  Women tend to use these equipments more  then the free weights. 

Electronic Store – A place like Best Buy has all the makings for a “Man Cave.”  On any given day, you will find more men in an electronic store than females.  Most importantly, they will linger for a long time in this venue… ample time to make eye contact, small chat and help him pick out his Man Cave duds.

Supermarket – Say no more.  Especially, if you linger in the fruits and vegetable sections.  However, do not attempt to talk to a woman in the feminine protection aisle.  That could be awkward.  
Airport – This might also be a strong day contender to the gym, as another meat market.  People are super friendly, nosey and have plenty of time to kill…. Ladies, this a perfect example of you never know who you might meet, so always look sharp while travelling and be sure to carry yourself with confidence but approachable.    Also, if you can visit the lounge area of an airline.  It’s literally 1 woman to 50 men in the lounge.  It could feel like you are a woman in China… that’s how good your odds are.

Airport - This might also be a strong day contender to the gym, as another meat market.  People are super friendly, nosey and have plenty of time to kill….  Your job is to make small talk while you wait for your flight.  Even if you are an elite traveler with lounge access it’s better to spend your time outside of the lounge.  Fewer women may be found in the lounge area. 
Bookstore – A great place to get an understanding of people’s interest.  A book can tell a lot about someone.  However, try to stay away from the “Self-Help” section on this outing.
Bookstore - A great place to get an understanding of people’s interest.  A book can tell a lot about someone.  However, try to stay away from the “Self-Help” section on this outing.

Sporting Store – Say no more…
Mall – Great place for men… But, do not go into Victoria Secret and act as if you are shopping for your sister.  Perhaps, a better alternative is to walk by Victoria Secret and catch women as they are leaving or entering.

Sporting Event (i.e. NHL or NBA game)
Men and sports go together like peanut butter and jam.  Pretty much at any testosterone pumping sporting event, you are guaranteed to be the minority.  My suggestions know a little a bit about the teams playing before picking your outing.  Also, dress the part, while managing to look fabulous. 
Salon – Say no more…. A haven for women and a place where open conversations are as common as nail polish.  Don’t be afraid to go to a salon to get a pedicure.  GUARANTTEED to engage in a long conversation with an attractive woman…. GUARANTEED! Plus, we women enjoy seeing the rare appearance of a man in a salon!

Coffee Shop – The coffee shop is a sure place to meet new people.  People are really friendly in this environment for some reason, and eager to engage in short conversations.  Also, if you look up from your book every now and then you might catch the eye of glancing stranger, possibly checking you out for the last hour.
Coffee Shop – The coffee shop is a sure place to meet new people.  People are really friendly in this environment for some reason, and eager to engage in short conversations.  Also, if you look up from your book every now and then you might catch the eye of glancing stranger, possibly checking you out for the last hour.

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