Actually, this story would more appropriately be named "During and After". I thought I had photos of this table "Before" but I cannot seem to find them! I have had this table for over 5 years of the many pieces I have inherited from my mother's collection of furniture. She bought this table from Gallery of Functional Art in Santa Monica probably 25 years ago and had it in her home near Santa Fe. In its original form, it was multicolored like the top (I have not painted the top in this photo). Each stick was a different paint color and it looked like auto paint....metallics and very bright.
It was fun table, but it never seemed to go with anything in the house. I did like the form of the table and did not want to sell it. I had wanted to paint it for years. But Mom was not on board. We recently tried to find out more about the artist and see if he was still working. Mom hunted around in her papers and actually found the receipt! After contacting the gallery, we found that they had not heard anything about him for over 15 years, so it was a "go" for paint!
I was a bit worried about how to go about painting this. There were so many sticks, and getting to them all to sand them, prime them, etc. was near impossible. Thank goodness for my friends at University Art! I went to ask their advice and they recommended a spray paint called Montana Gold Spray Color: Shock White. No primer needed and it sticks to pretty much any surface: wood, concrete, metal, plastic, etc. It dries really fast and there are 204 colors!!!! Sounded perfect. Off I went with three cans.
The paint worked really well! It had a nice matt finish, which I wanted, and went on really nicely. The only hitch is that I needed three more cans for the size of the many little crevices!. I think it still might need another coat, but I could not wait to try it in place.
I had a galvanized metal top made for the table a few years ago (which is why I did not paint the top!), so we put that back on. It now sits in the dining room bringing the outside in with a very large rustic birdcage on top.
My mom has seen it and now likes it much better too!
What did you do last weekend? I'd love to see any of your "Before and Afters"!
Wednesday's Relationship Corner I remember learning in an undergraduate sociology class about the impact geography played on romance and thinking how sad that was…. Specifically, I thought (at the time) if there is only “one soul mate” for everyone in the world and if you were born on one side of the world and your “soul mate” was on the other side you could end up living a life soul-mateless.
However, through the miracle of Skype I now realize that geography is no longer a barrier to being with your soul mate.
Yes, its possible to have a successful LDR relationship!It’s just a matter of having the will to make it work.LDR’s require a lot of work, but for the right person it can be worth it.So how do you make it work?Here’s how.
1. Regular Communication.With the likes of Skype and G-Chat we have finally reached the Jetson era, where you can actually talk to someone and physically see them – for free!If you are in a LDR you must frequently take advantage of this, but it should not feel like a chore.It must be natural, with a yearning to hear from your beloved and share your experiences that occurred during the day.You can even have fun, by sending random texts letting your beloved know just how special they are to you, or that you were thinking of them.
2. Have an End Date for the LDR.An LDR Should not be indefinite… This can and will be trouble eventually.It’s best to know that the current situation is not permanent and there should be a goal in mind as to when the torture of the LDR will end, and the two of you will be reunited in the same area code.
3. Plan Regular Visits.My suggestions is to not let your time apart wane greater than 30 days. Each time you see each other make sure you have already planned the next congenial trip visit.It gives you both something to look forward to and to not feel like “this is the end” after each visit.More importantly it keeps the relationship alive and from becoming an “imaginary relationship.”
4. Trust is King.This is a hard one because trust (as I will discuss in a later blog) requires a vulnerable willingness and often, takes time to develop.However, the truth of the matter is that you have no other option but to trust the person you’re with if you are going to choose to be in an LDR.Without this, an LDR is fruitless.To assist with this, communication is key.You must speak up when something is bothering you and equally about the good things.
5. Beware. If you have a propensity for cheating, stay away from LDRs.In fact, stay away from dating for awhile and really work on this characteristic of yourself.Cheating is not cool.
6. Be Creative.Find ways to let your special someone know that they mean the world to you.Whether it is sending them a bouquet of flowers, a hand written note or a care package, here’s your chance to make the weakness of distance a strength and capitalize on being romantic.
Overall, when it comes to love I do not believe geography should play a limiting role.This world is way too big to be denied that perfect connection.Besides, absence does make the heart grow fonder.But, you BOTH must be committed to the success of a LDR.Otherwise, it is futile.
I leave you with 2 stanzas from “Time to Say Goodbye;” a story about a couple in a LDR (I believe) separated by the distance of a sea and finally united… In fact, in your random act of being creative (Step 6) why not play this song to your beloved.
Your Non-Relationship Expert, Girl with a blog,
Time to Say Goodbye
When I'm alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me.
There is no light in a room where there is no sun
and there is no sun if you're not here with me, with me.
From every window unfurls my heart the heart that you have won.
Into me you've poured the light,
the light that you found by the side of the road.
Time to say goodbye.
Places that I've never seen or experienced with you.
Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas,
Yesterday at the World Championship in Daegu, Korea the disqualification of Usain Bolt in the 100m final was a huge surprise, but what also gained attention was the spectacular Bronze Medal run by Kim Colins who is 35 years young. Now if you have been watching Kim's performance all year, including his multiple personal best performances, his medal win should not have been a surprise.
The problem is Kim is in a track event where athletes are understood to peak in their mid to late 20' says the limited mind thinker. But, as I've said before the face of elite athletes is changing, thanks in part to better training knowledge. I believe the real limitations in athletic performances is not necessarily the age of an athlete but the limited thinking/perception of capability an athlete has because of their age.
The topic of age is an interesting one... For adults it is considered taboo to ask someone their age (unless of course they are an athlete or celebrity at which point their age is common knowledge). Often aging is associated with negativity while youth is celebrated.
Tied to nostalgia, youth represents boundless possibilities and potential – a better tomorrow. Ironically, when we’re young we are bombarded with unique images of beautiful, airbrushed models and Ads advocating a new and improved version of ourselves . We are constantly told through various mediums that what one is not wise enough, thin enough, or beautiful enough – simply put “just not enough". And as that person ages, that message becomes – “You are too old! Better hurry, life is passing you by!” Certain standards of life are put into place as measuring, how far you’ve come in life, and where you’ll end up.
At what moment in life will the message be to be content?
Personally, I can’t help but think of how much naivety I held about age, when I was younger and my lack of comfort of being in my own skin. But, I’m growing up and getting a little bit wiser, day by day and loving the skin I'm in. As my mom says ‘You can’t get wiser without getting older.’
I believe the physical impact of aging is merely a reflection of how we take care of ourselves along the way. Most people are so busy taking care of everybody else that they forget to take care of themselves, and physical aging can bare its truth. However, to paint everyone with the same brush for being old because of a simple number, reflecting one’s age is not accurate. Life is an individual experience and so are the effects of growing old.
Life is beautiful and it should be. It’s about daily self-discovery – daring to fail and daring to succeed. We should never give anyone the power to decide our expiration on potential. If your not where you want to be, when would NOW be a good time to start?
Remember -- “Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it!” ~ Anne Shirley (from the movie Anne of Green Gables)
Have you ever wanted something so bad, and became filled with frustration and disappointment when it didn't happen? Yes, life is filled with many of those stories. However, sometimes time has a funny way of revealing that this let down may have been a blessing in disguise. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I guess sometimes it is good that we don't always get what it is we want. I know I would be in some serious trouble with some of my past desires in life.
Whether in love, career, life, or day to day things, Unanswered Payers, seems to sum this point up nicely...
Unanswered Prayers by Garth Brook
Just the other night a hometown football game My wife nd I ran into my old high school flame And as I introduced them the past came back to me And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be
She was the one that I'd wanted for all times And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then I'd never ask for anything again
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams And I could tell that time had changed me In her eyes too it seemed We tried to talk about the old days There wasn't much we could recall I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all
And as she walked away and I looked at my wife And then and there I thanked the good Lord For the gifts in my life
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered
Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered... Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
My how time flies. Just yesterday I was having my first meal at Chez Panisse in Berkeley California with my mother. Mom was always in the know about everything having to do with food, art, gardening and design. I was probably about 22 at the time, just having graduated from college and living in the Bay Area. Mom had come to visit and took me to Berkeley for dinner. I was wrapped up with a new job at the time. Ironically, I was working for the head of the business department of the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco, marketing food related products for the gourmet food industry, but I had never heard of Alice Waters or Chez Panisse. I had graduated with a Business Degree after all....not food. Mom rightly felt it was time for my education in the world of food. I think it was about the same time she gave me a subscription to Gourmet magazine ( I am not sure if it was at the same time that Ruth Reichle was the editor or not, but she and Alice Waters were quite good friends.)
My mother was a avid reader of anything M.F.K. Fisher. We had grown up in the same area as Fisher, and Mom was fascinated with everything she had written. Mom was following the rise in popularity of good food raised locally and was by then very familiar with Alice Waters and many of her apostles. I have since read many of M.F.K. Fisher books, own many of Alice Water's Chez Panisse cookbooks, and have read Ruth Reichle's books, Tender is the Bone and Comfort Me with Apples. My education in food had been launched.
Those days are long all happened before my education in design even began....almost 30 years ago now. ( myself here!) It is so wonderful to see that Alice Waters had it right then, and still does. Food is better, so much more delicious, when picked right before eating....which means local is better. Better tasting, better for you, better for the environment, and better for local economies.
Alice Waters and the Levi's brand have partnered to celebrate this 40 year anniversary of the "Delicious Revolution", and I was lucky to receive photos of a beautiful event that took place on Wednesday, August 24th. The event was put on at San Francisco's Maiden Lane and featured organic, locally sourced box lunches that looked mouth wateringly delicious! Beautiful wildflower displays were put together by Susie Ho of Mend Etc. (Check out her website! Lovely interiors!)
Alice Water and Robert Hanson, Levi's Brand Global President wearing their T-Shirts
T-shirts were designed in limited edition by Alice Waters and other creatives such as David Bryne, Sofia Coppola, Dave Eggers and Maira Kalman. Proceeds from the sale of these T-Shirts support the Edible Schoolyard Project, a national organization dedicated to bringing garden and kitchen education into grade school curriculum. Check the T-Shirts out HERE on the Levi's website!
Well......I did not get to attend this luscious event myself, but I was there in spirit. We had out own little "Ode to Alice" dinner with almost every ingredient found locally:
We started with an Arugula, Pear, and Gorgonzola Cheese Salad with Pine Nuts.... Local Olive Oil and Red Wine Vinegar Dressing with Dill from the garden.....
BBQ Spare Ribs rubbed with BBQ spice blend from my good friend Diane's Heart Rock Herb and Spice Blend Co. and Corn Succotash made with tomatoes from our garden, green onions and red peppers.....
.....And my youngest daughter is following in her big sister's footsteps and becoming quite a baker. She made orange cupcakes with orange zest butter cream frosting, orange sugar sprinkles and orange peel "twists" on top.
I am counting the hours until my next trip to the Farmer's Market!
OH! One last note.....One Kings Lane is having a sale on everything ALICE.... which also includes signed copies of Alice's new book. Hop on over HERE to see what you can buy from Alice's Pantry!
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is one of my most favourite books.I discovered it about 10 years ago, and have continued to read it repeatedly throughout the years.In this tiny book James Allen aptly maps out the powerful potential each of us embodies, that it is hard to believe it was written in 1904.Funny while we move forward with new inventions and gadgets, the simple principles of human nature remain the same… We can achieve as much or as little as we think we can… And visions are always a portal to life’s achievements.
Visions And Ideals
The dreamers are the saviors of the world. As the visible world is sustained by the invisible, so men, through all their trials and sins and sordid vocations, are nourished by the beautiful visions of their solitary dreamers. Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities which it shall one day see and know.
Composer, sculptor, painter, poet, prophet, sage--these are the makers of the after-world, the architects of heaven. The world is beautiful because they have lived. Without them, laboring humanity would perish.
He who cherishes a beautiful vision, a lofty ideal in his heart, will one day realize it. Columbus cherished a vision of another world and he discovered it.Copernicus fostered the vision of a multiplicity of worlds and a wider universe, and he revealed it. Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it.
Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.
To desire is to obtain; to aspire is to achieve. Shall man's basest desires receive the fullest measure of gratification, and his purest aspirations starve for lack of sustenance? Such is not the Law. Such a condition can never obtain, "Ask and receive."
Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.
The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg. And in the highest vision of a soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities.
Quite a team! Architect Lewin Wertheimer recently renovated one of the original Brentwood estates which had been built during the 20's and 30's. He gutted the entire house and reconfigured much of the floor plan. The Pool House was also part of the project. Victoria Hagan was brought on board for the interiors, and the partnership seems to be pretty perfect. Mr. Werthheimer has his studio in Venice, California and his work ranges from bungalows on the Venice Beach canals to Spanish Colonial, Cape Cod, and Greek Revival.
I quite like the architectural details like the high wainscotting, the staircase wall paneling and the dark oak floors. The kitchen is a classic, and the Pietra Cardosa counters are beautiful.
I understand that these photos are before a very important contemporary American photography collection was brought in by the owners. I think that bit of personalization is all this home needs. Victoria Hagan has provided a beautiful backdrop with the cream and ivory tones punctuated by the charcoal curtains, leather chairs and moody historic portraiture. Clean, tailored traditional.....nicely done! Reminds me a little of the Something's Gotta Give house a little bit!
Hope you enjoy.
Hop on over the Lewin Wertheimer's website HERE to see more of his beautiful work.
(One of his more recent homes, a Shingle Style home that looks like it was transported from the Hamptons straight to the hills of Malibu in Luxe magazine HERE.)
There are certain phrases that a girl longs to hear from her guy. They are not random phrases, however; each phrase or word relates to a different situation. They also can be expressed in a variety of ways, but they do need to be communicated, and words work real well for that communication thing.
I’m proud of you. Let her know that you notice her significance and her talents. Be specific. If she works hard at her goals, let her know that you notice and acknowledge it. Brag on her in front of others too. That will mean even more.
I love being with you. Don’t assume that she knows this, just because you’re together so much. She needs to know that you are with her because you enjoy being with her, and that it isn’t just habit or a feeling of obligation.
Thank you. Don’t drop your manners, just because she’s your girlfriend. If she hands you something, say thank you. If makes you a meal, thank her for it. If she changes her plans for you, make sure she knows that you appreciate her sacrifice.
Can I help you? If she has work to do around the house, or she has volunteer work to do, offer to help her out, to work alongside of her. Even if she doesn’t take you up on the offer, the gesture will be appreciated.
I missed you. Let her know that she’s been missed when you’ve been apart for awhile. It doesn’t matter which one of you were away, it is the separation that is the issue. Hopefully, she’ll be saying she missed you too.
Have fun! Encourage her to enjoy her time with her friends or family when she chooses to spend time with them on her own. She needs to know that you do not need to be the center of everything she does, and that you don’t resent her enjoying activities which you aren’t involved in.
You look beautiful. Girls never get tired of hearing that, and they especially need to hear it when they aren’t feeling very beautiful, like when the rain just ruined their hair, or they’re in a hospital bed with no makeup or their sitting around in their sweats.
You can do it. Be her cheerleader when she’s having doubts about her own abilities. It’ll be easier for her to believe in herself, if she knows that you do. She will especially need to hear it from you if she has other people in her life telling her that she won’t make it.
I’m sorry. If you make a mistake or hurt her feelings, even if it was unintentional, be willing to apologize. Don’t let your pride stand in the way of mending your relationship. She will gain more respect for you, if you are able to say those two words. It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong.
Please. Just like thank you, this common courtesy word should not disappear from your conversations with your girlfriend. Don’t take her agreement for granted. Ask her to do things, don’t tell her, and include the appropriate ‘please’ on the end.
There you have it. Memorize them. Write them down, but most of all…use them in your conversations with your girlfriend. She’ll notice if you do, and she’ll notice if you don’t. ~Mary Edwards (author)
With the second Sports Day in Canada taking place across the country in less than a month (September 17, 2011), I thought I would take a moment to re-post a previous blog on the role Sports has played in my life. I believe in the power of Sports and you can bet I'm taking part once again in Sports Day in Canada, this year. (Come out and join me in Markham, Ontario with CBC Sports, ParticipACTION and VISA). Come on Canada, let's get active. Sports Matters!
Dear Sports, I am not sure if there are words to describe how you have impacted my life.I’m incredibly indebted to you.
Thank you Sports for teaching me that anything I put my mind to, I can achieve!You have taught me that effort is more important than ability.You have taught me the value of learning and mastering a skill and through this I am able to conquer any challenge – whether with you or in any other realm of my life.
Sports you have created a fire in me, which is committed to achieving excellence.The teachings I’ve learned from you have allowed me to excel academically with honors.Even now as I complete my PhD, I can’t help feeling that how I approach learning and problem-solving is still reminiscent of you, Sports.I am constantly using the skills I’ve learned via you in my studies and everything I do.
Sports you have taught me that I will fail more times than I will win.But, through persevering through my failures and realizing what I’ve learned along the way, I am better positioned to not only succeed the next time I try, but surpass my initial objectives.I know no barrier thanks to you!When someone tells me it can’t be done, I think “Maybe for you… Where there’s a will there’s always a way, and I just have to find that way.”
Sports you’ve allowed me to have a resting heart rate of 43, a body composition of 7.8% body fat and a blood pressure level that as a doctor once said “This is obviously the benefits of Sports.”Oh, how I do value health because of you!!!I am committed to healthy living.I see myself becoming something like the Jack Lalanne (female version) even after I retire from my professional level with you.I’ll be knowing you until my deathbed… and even then I imagine I might be doing leg raises or some exercise in bed as I gasp for my last breath.
I have travelled to more than forty countries thanks to you, including places I never knew existed. I’ve learned and experienced various cultures and developed a fond appreciation for diversity.I’ve met incredible people along the way including presidents, royalties, celebrities, philanthropists and people who are just simply good persons inside.
Sports you’ve allowed me to develop lifelong friends with people who have also benefited from you in their lives.These friends are also committed to excellence and are rapidly becoming a force to reckon with.They make me want to be a better Nicole.And I know they attribute much of who they are because of you Sports, as well.
Sports you have taught me the importance of caring for others and the responsibility we all have as a society to volunteer…. Striving for altruism. I am committed to helping others achieve excellence!
I walk with confidence and assurance because of you Sports.I feel blessed beyond words.I know with certainty I would not be the woman I am today without you in my life.I am a better person all because you have entered my life.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you and I love you Sports!