As I stated last week, barefoot, I am the blessed height of 1.921m which is roughly 6’3 ½ ... When I was younger, I did not like my height. As I sprouted through the 7th and 8th grade I would plead with God to make me stop growing… For any child at that age, you just want to fit in… puberty is bad enough. But, now as I’ve gotten older, I absolutely love being tall!!!! I wouldn’t have it any other way.
It is scary how many tall women do not like their height. Possibly, because unknowingly society can do a good job of making a tall woman feel like she doesn’t fit in. It’s there in the obvious acknowledgement of a women being taller than norm. (No one ever dares to ask an overweight woman how much she weighs, yet it is acceptable to ask a woman how tall she is.) A quick search online and you’ll see many tall women blogs discuss the challenges of dating when you are tall.
If you are tall, you have to embrace it, own it and love it. If you don’t, how else can you expect anyone else to? When it comes to dating, there are certainly some advantages and disadvantages. Men can be easily intimidated by tall women. Especially, if you are over the 6 foot marker.

1. Insecure Men - For a man to date a tall woman, he has to be confident! For one thing, men often like to inflate their height. Lately, it seems, every man is claiming to be 6 feet. Even a man who is clearly 5’8 will have the audacity to say he is 6 feet. Dating a tall woman, may force a man to acknowledge their TRUE height!

Likewise, a man should never assume that a taller woman would not be interested in dating them. The mere question itself makes you appear insecure. If you like a woman, you should let her know. Who cares if she is taller?! Height differences between genders are inconsequential.
2. Attention Getter - (This actually can be an advantage also) If you are in the company of a tall woman, you’ve got to be able to withstand the attention she may receive… and if you are with someone as tall as me, it will be A LOT of attention… lol … My height can easily be the centre of attention. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me about my height I’d be a millionaire… literally!
ADVANTAGES 1. Weed Out The Weak Gazelle - Being a tall woman allows you to weed out the insecure/weak gazelle men. There is nothing more unattractive than an insecure man, and nothing hotter than a confident (but not arrogant!) man. I’ve got a big personality and if a man can’t handle my height he certainly will not be able to handle my personality.
2. Hottest Fashion Style - Currently, tall women seem to be in style… And I’m not sure what this craze is about… perhaps it’s always been the case and I am just now realizing it. I’m not sure I understand this fascination with tall women, but I’m rolling with it. I can only assume it has something to do with (dare I say) Darwinism, and having tall off springs. Who knows??? (If you do know, feel free to let me know.)

All I know is we are who we are… There are certain attributes we each have, that can never be changed… Height is one them. If you are tall woman, remember to always stand tall and embrace your statuesque appearance. And if you are a man, don’t ever feel intimidated by a tall woman. If the height difference doesn’t matter to you, then chances are it won’t matter to her.
For the rest of you (vertically challenged world), continue to live a good life. And perhaps in your next life you’ll be the front of the line when height is being distributed. ;)
Standing head & shoulders above everyone else (literally),
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