If you are unsure of what each Party’s platform is you can go to Elections Canada. Also, when voting do not forget to consider what issues the candidates in your riding are concerned with. This could impact your decision even more.
It’s no secret I’m NOT a fan of us having an election again! But, I still will be voting on Monday. (For my non-Canadian readers, our election schedule isn’t a formatted 4 year plan, it can occur before that point with a vote of non-confidence or can be has long as 5 years).
The sad thing is whatever government that is elected on Monday will likely be a minority government and we could end up with another election in a year’s time! COME ON! There are better ways to spend our tax dollars than an election. To me it seems like a case of power struggles and ego. Sit in at a question period in Parliament to get a taste of what I’m talking about. I’ve sat in numerous times, and it is both comical and disturbing at times.

Ironically, I actually do find the other parties platform's curious… They are very alluring and attractive (versus the tell it as is Conservative platform) but wonder WHO and HOW things will be paid for that are offered… Well, actually I know how – More taxes…. Yep, defiantly not interested… I just wish party’s told the WHOLE truth when they are running for election. Not just the attractive side of things. Politics seems like the only job you can be hired for, fail to do what you promise AND still keep your job.
PS: Dear Non-Elected Parties. Please try to work with the government elected on Monday, so we can avoid another premature election, and put our tax dollars to better use…. PLEASE!!!
Voting on Monday,
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