I thought I’d take a moment to see if I can give you a crash course on what this AMAZING day is all about. Trust me – you definitely don’t want to miss out on this event!
Sports Day in Canada is a nationwide celebration of all levels of sport. We know that the power of sports has the ability to improve academic success, create leaders, improve health, decrease risky behaviours, and the list goes on. Sports Day in Canada is about recognizing this power of sport while also promoting a healthy lifestyle. But I’ve got to warn you, only come out and join the action if you are ready to have fun!
So how can you get involved? Well, it’s very easy. You can register and find events across Canada at www.cbcsports.ca/sportsday. If you are a sport organization, team or club you can create and host your own event, like an open house, game or competition. Just be sure to register it online so you can be recognized for your involvement! And if you don’t consider yourself a jock, don’t worry - NOW has never been a better time to get out and get active! Sport is transforming lives everyday, and it can transform yours! I know, because it has for me!
If you are in the greater Toronto area, I’d really love it if you’d come out and join me in Markham at Fletcher's Field with CBC and ParticipACTION on September 17, where Canada will take on USA in rugby! GO CANADA!!!!
Feeling the power of sports,
Nicole Forrester
Follow me on Twitter www.twitter.com/nicoleforrester
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