The truth is things like Barbie, beauty magazines, videos and television are shaping the way women and men view beauty. Young girls and women are comparing themselves to an airbrushed opted photo, while men are taught to value beauty greater than the character content of a woman. Very sad.
While some girls’ feel magazines make them feel fat and short, for me, growing up they made me feel extremely self-conscious about how tall and skinny I was. Growing up, I was a gangly, emaciated-looking, 4-eyed girl. I was extremely skinny and try as I may, I couldn’t gain weight to save my life. (Honestly, the skinny images of models displayed in magazines can’t compare with just how skinny I was.) I hated it.
To add to my childhood disillusion of beauty, flipping through a magazine and finding an advertisement of an African-American or Asian model was as likely as finding a minority Santa Claus at Christmas time. Thankfully, at least there was Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks and Benetton ads to give me some sense of hope that minorities could be included in society's standard of beauty.

I mean it was only a hundred years ago where a fair complexion, thin lips and a full body was a symbol of beauty in the Western world. Now, we’ve emerged to a time where women are spray tanning for a darker complexion, starving themselves and injecting their lips with collagen to have fuller lips. Who’s defining your standard of beauty?

Beauty can’t only be skin deep? Or is it?
As per Ruby, maybe Mattel may get inspired to make a Barbie more representative of the average person. And while they’re at it they should go ahead and make a gangly, awkward, 4-eyed version as well. ;)
You are Beautiful,
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