Thursday, July 21, 2011


There is something incredibly refreshing about people who are real.  Over the years, I have found myself creating a circle of friends who are pretty real.  I always know where I stand with them.  Sure, there may be times I don’t like what they have to say and it may sting, but with time (usually 24hrs) I see their side, and often they were right. 
Sadly, far too many people hide behind masks, in an attempt to present their version of their “best self.”  What any and everyone wants is to feel like they matter…like they are important.  And through hiding behind these masks people attempt to gain that validation.  However, if you aren’t being authentic then people can’t really get to know and enjoy YOU.  Moreover, fake attracts fake… so if you are being inauthentic, well guess what?  You are going to attract friends, people and things that are inauthentic. 
Come on that’s not really living!
The notion of keeping up with the Joneses reflects this need by some to present an image of importance.  Think about it – sometimes people are so busy trying to provide the appearance that their life is so amazing and superior to others and one to be envied.  Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace and other social networks have become a perfect means of self-promotion and feeding this narcissistic behaviour.  But, the truth of the matter is anyone who is concerned more with appearing important and vying for validation from others, probably should be pitied.  This goes right back to my previous blog on pride.
People who are truly fulfilled in themselves do not have to stand from a soapbox and declare their excellence.  They are not concerned with appearing superior to anyone else.  In fact, they enjoy the success and improvements of those around them.  They are clear on who they are and what they believe in.  And their actions are not second guessed by what they anticipate the assessments of others might be.  They are authentic.
Last week, we lost Betty Ford and wise and brave woman.  I have much respect and love for her authenticity.  Her ability to honestly state her position on issues considered taboo during her time.  There was no mincing of words with her and you always knew where she stood.  The world should be so inclined to experience more authentic people.
I truly believe by being authentic and real you encourage others to be the same.  And really be loved, appreciated and of importance for WHO they really are and NOT how they think they should be.
Often, when I’m not sure upon an action I’m about to take I’ll take time to question my motive.  And if my motive is about currying favour for a measured appearance, I know that that action is not correct.  I encourage you to do the same and to go so far to ask how “real” are the people you surround yourself with? 
Getting Real,

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