“Measure your success not by comparing your achievements to others, but by how close you approach your own potential. You may discover you’ll surpass exceptional along the way." ~ Nicole Forrester
Last week, I wrote a blog about being real, and as I anticipated I was challenged about my own authenticity. It was from someone who didn’t know me, nor followed my blogs to know of the various tell-all blogs I’ve shared. Just someone, who probably looked at a profile picture of me and assumed I was filled with self-conceit.
What I took from that comment, was the importance to impress upon all that I do not wish for anyone to envy my life. I wish only to be an example of the different cards life can hand us and what is possible, in spite of setbacks or rare beginnings.

Some stuff I’ve shared have been good and some of it bad , including going to the Olympic Games, finding a lump in my breast, being diagnosed with 20 brain lesions, my struggles with the high jump, my love of track and field, my hot dates with Mr. Dissertation, taboo topics/opinions and most recently my challenge with overcoming a serious foot injury and the list continues to grow. My quest is not to be envied or declare my excellence, but just to be REAL. This is me.
In fact, the vice of envy and feeling not enough irritates me to no ends. It is for that reason, (I’m ashamed to admit it, but) I am actually not fond of beauty pageants and anything that evaluates beauty. Particularly, because of the message it sends to young girls… wishing they looked a certain way. I know this, because I was one of those little girls. (This is actually an interesting story, I’ll have to blog about another time… especially considering I use to model.)
I don’t wish to create an image of myself that I can’t live up to. Nor do I wish anyone to ever put me on a pedestal, because I will certainly be knocked off it at some point. I wish only for people to recognize the sky is the limit and that anything is possible for anyone. I mean if I can be discovered working at McDonald’s and go onto becoming an Olympian, who knows what is possible for anyone else. And make no mistake, all that I have achieved and I am achieving I’ve had to work hard for.

Any confidence you desire must come from the inside – by you recognizing how truly amazing you are, while also remembering to not compare yourself to others. Indeed there is room for the spotlight of success to shine on everyone. You don’t have to put out someone’s light to make your's brighter than theirs.
It is my hope that my actions may inspire others, cause no harm and demonstrate my authenticity; for I am certainly far from perfect.
Measuring myself against myself,
P.S. Ok... Well, there may be one thing I'll stand on a soapbox and proclaim my excellence for... and compare it to Perdita Felicien's dry bread... My incredible Banana Bread...lol :) You might have to taste it to believe it! ;)
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